Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Planes, Trains and Trucks

Alex and I got a chance to make the final selection for the "big boy" room makeover. We're going with Olive Kids Planes, Trains and Trucks. And yes, he really did help make that decision -- he sat with me for almost two hours while we poured over Pottery Barn and Land of Nod and tried to decide what was cute, too babyish, and what would work to prevent another re-do before he's 7 or 8. He didn't stick around long enough to finally choose what would constitute his first "big boy" bed, but then again it didn't have anything that went "vroom, vroom" on it. Oh well, one out of two. The bedding shipped today so when it gets here it will be off to the paint store.

This weekend is set aside to work on the invites, so hopefully I'll get the majority of that wrapped up. I am thinking I don't need them out until the first part of September so I have a couple weeks to play with.

And I suppose the bedroom redo is seeping into other areas. We're thinking its about time to get the kitchen floor updated, so we got the ball rolling on that. The contractor is supposed to come and measure tomorrow and we've picked out the material. We'll see where that leads us to.

Otherwise we've been enjoying the nice weather and hanging out around at home. Matt thinks he'll take Alex golfing this weekend so he came home with Alex's first golf club tonight. It's a miniature little club, just like the real deal. He grabbed a pack of practice balls (like wiffle balls) and they hung outside practicing their swing. I've been dealing with some unpleasant neck pain today (I guess I slept wrong??) so I opted to lay on a bag of ice while the boys practiced putting.

As soon as we can convince Alex it's time to close his eyes I think we're off to bed too!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Team Vampire

So I have a VERY good reason I haven't been posting - actually I have 4 very good reasons: Twilight * New Mood * Eclipse * Breaking Dawn --- I absolutely LOVED these books and devoured them one right after the other. I am very happy to report that there seems to be a lot of online therapy to treat my addiction as it appears that I haven't been the only one "bitten" -- it's truly a pandemic! In all "seriousness" though, if you haven't read Twilight by Stephenie Meyers yet it's a good book and if you pass the "twilitmus" test you'll very quickly stumble onto books 2-4. For some of you who understand the scrapbook obsession, let me just put it this way, it was almost a CHORE to go to a crop last weekend because I had to put the book down!

These books have been on the best seller lists for weeks and weeks and I finally thought I'd just give it a whirl and see what all the fuss was about. I've already informed Matt that he may need to step aside and make room for Edward because much like Bella, I don't know that I could live without him :) I do have to give him credit - he does seem vaguely interested in reading the books. And to try and make myself not sound so crazy, there is actually a "Twilight Moms" website I stumbled across.

I Googled to see what else Meyers has written when pages upon pages popped up with website after website of info. AND outtakes and extra chapters, etc. Which was really just so fun to read through. I learned two things I was oblivious of: she's writing Twilight from Edward's perspective now and it will be published, titled "Midnight Sun" AND that Twilight has been made into a movie that was to be release 12-12-08. Because Harry Potter got bumped to next summer it's now being release 11-21-08. Very excited! I think Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will make a good Edward and Bella.

BUT, I suppose I have to admit that these 4 jewels aren't the only reason -- we had a week of vacation in there, which was great! And then of course life in general.

So the latest and greatest with us is all about getting ready for Alex's 3rd birthday - which I suppose to anyone other to me, may not make sense. First a theme and then a place and then what to do about invitations, etc. Well, reasoning this out with a two year old wasn't going anywhere :) So theme and place are picked and invitations are in the works.

We had also said that we'd re-do the nursery for his 3rd birthday and transition into a big boy room. So, we've been looking at bedding and trying to decide what we like. I think that as of tonight (read: Mommy finally put her books down) we've picked our gear and just need to get it ordered.

A final thought? Go get Twilight!