Friday, November 21, 2008


Well first I suppose I should say ouch -- it's been a while, huh? Too, too much fun to catch you all up on life so we'll just go forward from here.

Today's excitement...Twilight the movie! Just got back from the midnight showing. Jill and I braved the packs of (pre) teens and caught the premiere. Nothing like putting the baby to bed, taking a nap and then heading out for some mom time!

The book is always better than the movie - no need to have that argument. BUT if you can appreciate the movie for what it is then you'll have fun. I'm glad we went and love that it's wide open for a sequel. There were some great scenes and actors and there were a handful that could stand to sit out for the next round. The important people - Edward and Bella - turned out well, so it all works.

Jill told me today that she heard the movie was a smaller budget $39M and they made that back with pre-sales of tickets already. There have been several interviews with the cast saying to see it multiple times (ha-ha) and if they get the cash they'll do part 2. I have no doubt that the teens will support the endeavor and with a higher budget I bet movie 2 will be even better!

Oh -- and they passed out fangs while we were in line -- gotta love that!

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